A western species that likes to nest in the crags on rocky cliffs, Praire Falcon is recognized by its dark “armpits” and spotted rather than streaked breast.
Prairie Falcon
Fort Rock, Lake County, OR
April 22, 2010 ©John Schwarz
Prairie Falcon
Houston Lake, Prineville, OR
April 24, 2010 ©John Schwarz
Prairie Falcon
Houston Lake, Prineville, OR
April 24, 2010 ©John Schwarz
Prairie Falcon
Fort Rock, Lake County, OR
April 22, 2010 ©John Schwarz
Prairie Falcon roost
Fort Rock, Lake County, OR
April 22, 2010 ©John Schwarz
Fort Rock, Lake County, OR
(prime Prairie Falcon and White-throated Swift habitat)
Prairie Falcon
Fort Rock, Lake County, OR
April 22, 2010 ©John Schwarz
Prairie Falcon
Garden of the Gods, Colorado Springs, CO
April 7, 2015 ©John Schwarz