Thayer’s Gull is a breeder of the high arctic and not frequently seen in the lower forty eight except in winter along the west coast. There has long been controversy over whether Thayer’s Gull and Iceland Gull are separate species or whether they are two representatives of the same cline, and as of July, 2017 Thayer’s Gull has finally been merged with Iceland Gull and is no longer considered a separate species.
Thayer’s Gull
Barrow, AK
October 7, 2013 ©John Schwarz
Thayer’s Gull
Barrow, AK
October 7, 2013 ©John Schwarz
Thayer’s Gull
Barrow, AK
October 7, 2013 ©John Schwarz
Thayer’s Gull (rear) with Glaucous Gull (note Thayer’s smaller size, black on wing tips, and dark eyes
Barrow, AK
October 7, 2013 ©John Schwarz
Thayer’s Gull (rear) with Glaucous Gull (note Thayer’s smaller size, black on wing tips, and dark eyes
Barrow, AK
October 7, 2013 ©John Schwarz