Gray Jay, which prior to 1957 was known as Canada Jay is now once again Canada Jay. It is a bird of the mountain west , northern tier, and most of Canada and Alaska. Unlike other jays, it has a short, stubby bill, as well as a quiet demeanor.
Canada Jay
Between Telos Road and Nesowadnehunk Camp Ground, west of Baxter State Park, ME
October 1, 2012 ©John Schwarz
Canada Jay
Between Telos Road and Nesowadnehunk Camp Ground, west of Baxter State Park, ME
October 1, 2012 ©John Schwarz
Canada Jay
Between Telos Road and Nesowadnehunk Camp Ground, west of Baxter State Park, ME
October 1, 2012 ©John Schwarz
Canada Jay – juvenile
Chugach State Park, Anchorage, AK
June 3, 2008 ©John Schwarz
Canada Jay
Between Telos Road and Nesowadnehunk Camp Ground, west of Baxter State Park, ME
October 1, 2012 ©John Schwarz
Canada Jay
(-16 degrees F when photo was taken)
Hedbom Logging Tail, 7 mi. south of Floodwood, MN
January, 2007 ©John Schwarz
Canada Jay
Between Telos Road and Nesowadnehunk Camp Ground, west of Baxter State Park, ME
October 1, 2012 ©John Schwarz
Canada Jay (-16 degrees F when photo was taken)
Hedbom Logging Tail, 7 mi. south of Floodwood, MN
January 28, 2007 ©John Schwarz
Canada Jay – juvenile
Chugach State Park, Anchorage, AK
June 3, 2008 ©John Schwarz
Canada Jay – juvenile
Chugach State Park, Anchorage, AK
June 3, 2008 ©John Schwarz
Ho John: Would you be willing to donate your aesthetic image of the juvenile Gray Jay to my free online Birds of Vancouver Island that is located at my website?
Ordinarily that would be no problem, except a few people have used photos on their web sites (both with and without permission) and then a Google image search displays my image with a link to their web site, so unless you can think of way around that…