The familiar Mourning Dove is the most common North American dove, and is widespread all across the continent. It gets its name not from a time of day, but from its doleful cooing call. It is often seen on the ground under feeders and since it is plumper and less agile than other birds, it is a favorite target for Sharp-shinned and Cooper’s Hawks.
Mourning Dove
Pilots Point, Westbrook, CT
April 18, 2008 ©John Schwarz
Mourning Dove
Santa Catalina Island, California
May 13, 2016©John Schwarz
Mourning Dove chick
Matheson Hammock Park, Coral Gables, FL
March 10, 2005 ©John Schwarz
Mourning Dove
Pilots Point, Westbrook, CT
April 12, 2005 ©John Schwarz
Mourning Dove – pair
Green Cay Wetlands, Boynton Beach, FL
March 13, 2013©John Schwarz
Mourning Dove
Green Cay Wetlands, Boynton Beach, FL
December 9, 2006 ©John Schwarz
I have a pair of bird that look like the Mourning Doves. I watched them from less than 6 feet away for 45 minutes and they remained together squatting on an asphalt driveway bump. The eventually got up but remained in close proximity to each other. The didn’t seem timid or disturbed by me or my neighbor on the other side of my fence. I live on an island in Upper Greenwood Lake, NJ . Would Mourning Doves normally be found here?
Mourning Doves are common all over the United States.