Formerly called Greater Shearwater, the Great Shearwater is one of the two large Atlantic shearwaters, Cory’s Shearwater being the other. They are very easy to tell apart as Cory’s has a yellow bill, while Great has a dark bill and dark underwing markings.
Great Shearwater
Offshore Rhode Island
August 19, 2009 ©John Schwarz
Great Shearwater
Offshore Rhode Island
August 19, 2009 ©John Schwarz
Great Shearwater
Offshore Rhode Island
August 19, 2009 ©John Schwarz
Great Shearwater
Offshore Rhode Island
August 19, 2009 ©John Schwarz
Great Shearwater
Offshore Rhode Island
August 19, 2009 ©John Schwarz
Great Shearwater
Offshore Rhode Island
August 19, 2009 ©John Schwarz
Great Shearwater with Wilson’s Storm-Petrel
Offshore Rhode Island
August 19, 2009 ©John Schwarz
Great Shearwater
Offshore Rhode Island
August 19, 2009 ©John Schwarz
Great Shearwater (top) with Audubon’s
Shearwater (bottom)
Offshore Rhode Island
August 19, 2009 ©John Schwarz
Great Shearwater
Offshore Rhode Island
August 19, 2009 ©John Schwarz
Great Shearwater (left) with Audubon’s
Shearwater (right)
Offshore Rhode Island
August 19, 2009 ©John Schwarz
Great Shearwater
Bay of Fundy
September 30, 2012
Great Shearwater
Bay of Fundy
September 30, 2012
Great Shearwater
Bay of Fundy
September 30, 2012
Great Shearwater
Bay of Fundy
September 30, 2012 ©John Schwarz
Great Shearwater
Offshore Rhode Island
August 19, 2009 ©John Schwarz
Great Shearwaters
Nantucket Shoals, MA
September 27, 2014 ©John Schwarz