The striking Red-bellied Woodpecker is common throughout the east. Males have a complete red hood, females show red on the nape but lack red on the top of the crown. The south Florida race shows less white on the tail.
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Green Cay Wetlands , Boynton Beach, FL
February 11, 2010 ©John Schwarz
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Green Cay Wetlands , Boynton Beach, FL
February 11, 2010 ©John Schwarz
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Green Cay Wetlands , Boynton Beach, FL
February 11, 2010 ©John Schwarz
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Green Cay Wetlands, Boynton Beach, FL
December 13, 2005 ©John Schwarz
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Loxahatchee NWR, Boynton Beach, FL
March 4, 2005 ©John Schwarz
Red-bellied Woodpecker – female
Hugh Taylor Birch Park, Fort Lauderdale, FL
April 16, 2007 ©John Schwarz
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Green Cay Wetlands, Boynton Beach, FL
March 22, 2007 ©John Schwarz
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Matheson Hammock Park, Coral Gables, FL
April 30, 2008 ©John Schwarz
Red-bellied Woodpecker – juvenile
Southington, CT
August 8, 2008 ©John Schwarz
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Green Cay Wetlands , Boynton Beach, FL
February 11, 2010 ©John Schwarz
Red-bellied Woodpecker – juvenile
Southington, CT
August 8, 2008 ©John Schwarz
Red-bellied Woodpecker – juvenile
Southington, CT
August 8, 2008 ©John Schwarz
Red-bellied Woodpecker – pair
Green Cay Wetlands, Boynton Beach, FL
April 20, 2009 ©John Schwarz
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Green Cay Wetlands, Boynton Beach, FL
March 20, 2007 ©John Schwarz
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Tree Tops Park, Davie, FL
February 20, 2007 ©John Schwarz
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Green Cay Wetlands , Boynton Beach, FL
February 11, 2010 ©John Schwarz
Red-bellied Woodpecker – female
Green Cay Wetlands, Boynton Beach, FL
March 22, 2007 ©John Schwarz
Red-bellied Woodpecker – northern race
(note mostly white central tail feathers)
Sterling, CT
October 26, 2010 ©John Schwarz
Red-bellied Woodpecker – female
Green Cay Wetlands, Boynton Beach, FL
March 22, 2007 ©John Schwarz
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Green Cay Wetlands, Boynton Beach, FL
March 13, 2013©John Schwarz