It has been said that, of all North American songbirds, Carolina Wren has the loudest song for its size. I call it the wheateater bird for one of its numerous phrases, “wheateater, wheateater, wheateater, whit.” State bird of South Carolina.
Carolina Wren
Loxahatchee NWR, Boynton Beach, FL
March 23, 2006 ©John Schwarz
Carolina Wren
Loxahatchee NWR, Boynton Beach, FL
March 23, 2006 ©John Schwarz
Carolina Wren
Loxahatchee NWR, Boynton Beach, FL
March 23, 2006 ©John Schwarz
Carolina Wren
Loxahatchee NWR, Boynton Beach, FL
February 28, 2006 ©John Schwarz
Carolina Wren
Hammonasset State Park, Madison, CT
October 12, 2009 ©John Schwarz
Carolina Wren
Loxahatchee NWR, Boynton Beach, FL
March 23, 2006 ©John Schwarz
Carolina Wren
Cape May, NJ
May 4, 2005 ©John Schwarz
Carolina Wren
McKinney NWR, Westbrook, CT
October, 2006 ©John Schwarz
Carolina Wren
Hammonasset State Park, Madison, CT
November 19, 2013©John Schwarz
Carolina Wren
Hammonasset State Park, Madison, CT
November 19, 2013©John Schwarz