The view from Simpsonville, South Carolina. All total phase images were taken at ISO 200 and F9. Varying the shutter speed brings out the different features.
1/2000 exposure (Bailey’s beads and solar flares)
Simpsonville, SC
August 21, 2017©John Schwarz
1/1000 exposure (Bailey’s beads and solar flares)
Simpsonville, SC
August 21, 2017©John Schwarz
1/400 exposure (solar flares)
Simpsonville, SC
August 21, 2017©John Schwarz
1/250 exposure (solar flares)
Simpsonville, SC
August 21, 2017©John Schwarz
1/160 exposure (inner corona)
Simpsonville, SC
August 21, 2017©John Schwarz
1/80 exposure (some outer corona)
Simpsonville, SC
August 21, 2017©John Schwarz
1/50 exposure (outer coronal streaks)
Simpsonville, SC
August 21, 2017©John Schwarz
1/25 exposure (outer coronal streaks)
Simpsonville, SC
August 21, 2017©John Schwarz
1/13 exposure (outer corona)
Simpsonville, SC
August 21, 2017©John Schwarz
Total solar eclipse – diamond ring effect
Simpsonville, SC
August 21, 2017©John Schwarz
Total solar eclipse – diamond ring effect
Simpsonville, SC
August 21, 2017©John Schwarz
Total solar eclipse composite
Simpsonville, SC
August 21, 2017©John Schwarz
Solar eclipse early partial phase (note sunspots)
Simpsonville, SC
August 21, 2017©John Schwarz