Greater Scaup is distinguished from similar Lesser Scaup by rounder head and longer, broader bill.
Greater Scaup – pair
Potter Marsh, Anchorage, AK
June 2, 2008 ©John Schwarz
Greater Scaup
Merritt Island NWR, Titusville FL
January 11, 2006 ©John Schwarz
Greater Scaup – female
Merritt Island NWR, Titusville FL
January 11, 2006 ©John Schwarz
Greater Scaup
Westchester Lagoon, Anchorage, AK
May 29, 2008 ©John Schwarz
Greater Scaup – pair
Merritt Island NWR, Titusville FL
January 11, 2006 ©John Schwarz
Greater Scaup
Merritt Island NWR, Titusville FL
January 11, 2006 ©John Schwarz
Greater Scaup
Merritt Island NWR, Titusville FL
January 11, 2006 ©John Schwarz
Greater Scaup
Merritt Island NWR, Titusville FL
January 11, 2006 ©John Schwarz
Greater Scaup – pair
Hood Lake, Anchorage, AK
June 1, 2008 ©John Schwarz
I was hoping that you would allow me to use your Greater Scaup image to reference as a painting. This is the pair standing on a small islet of weeds. I would really appreciate the highest red you have if you agree. Thanks
Hi! May I also take a shot at painting this? Thanks! Lovely work 😊👏
Hi! May I also have permission to paint the picture showing an adult pair of Greater Scaups? Thank you!
Hi John – I’ve sent a couple of messages here already and they don’t seem to be showing up. Would it be possible if I could use your image of the breeding pair of Greater Scaup standing on the little island for reference for a painting? I have a deadline to meet and you image is just wonderful for what I would like to do – please let me know, thank you. Please note I’ll reference you as the photographer of the reference image.
Lisa, Sorry, but I haven’t seen this until today. If you send your messages to I will see them instantly. Of course you may paint the image (you don’t really need permission for that).