The exotic looking Spectacled Eider is a duck of the far north and can be seen in North America only in Alaska, especially Barrow, but also in Nome and on Saint Lawrence Island.
Spectacled Eider – 1st winter male
Safety Sound, Nome, AK
June 8, 2012 ©John Schwarz
Spectacled Eider – adult breeding males
Gambell, Saint Lawrence Island, AK
June 2, 2012 ©John Schwarz
Spectacled Eider
Livingston Ripley Conservancy, Litchfield, CT
June 4, 2014©John Schwarz
Spectacled Eider – female
Livingston Ripley Conservancy, Litchfield, CT
June 4, 2014©John Schwarz
Spectacled Eider
Livingston Ripley Conservancy, Litchfield, CT
June 4, 2014©John Schwarz
Spectacled Eider
Livingston Ripley Conservancy, Litchfield, CT
June 4, 2014©John Schwarz
Spectacled Eider – pair
Livingston Ripley Conservancy, Litchfield, CT
June 4, 2014©John Schwarz
Spectacled Eiders
Livingston Ripley Conservancy, Litchfield, CT
June 4, 2014©John Schwarz
Spectacled Eider – pair
Livingston Ripley Conservancy, Litchfield, CT
June 4, 2014©John Schwarz