Kirtland’s Warbler, down to under 200 breeding pairs in 1980 and in danger of extinction, has benefited from extensive intervention in jack pine habitat management and removal of nest parasite Brown-headed Cowbirds from its limited range in north central Michigan. Kirtland’s population is now estimated to have recovered to approximately 1900 breeding pairs. Their wintering grounds are on the island of Eleuthera in the Bahamas.
Kirtland’s Warbler
Mio, MI
May 16, 2010 ©John Schwarz
Kirtland’s Warbler
Magee Marsh, Ottawa County, Ohio
May 14, 2010 ©John Schwarz
Kirtland’s Warbler
Magee Marsh, Ottawa County, Ohio
May 14, 2010 ©John Schwarz
Kirtland’s Warbler
Magee Marsh, Ottawa County, Ohio
May 14, 2010 ©John Schwarz
Kirtland’s Warbler (singing on territory)
Mio, MI
May 16, 2010 ©John Schwarz
Typical jack pine habitat
Mio, MI
May 15, 2010 ©John Schwarz
Brown-headed Cowbird trap
Mio, MI
May 15, 2010 ©John Schwarz
Kirtland’s Warbler attracting a crowd
(Davis-Besse nuclear power plant in background)
Magee Marsh, Ottawa County, Ohio
May 14, 2010 ©John Schwarz
Kirtland’s Warbler
Mio, MI
May 16, 2010 ©John Schwarz
Kirtland’s Warbler
(singing on territory)
Mio, MI
May 15, 2010 ©John Schwarz