Northern Parula, multicolored with a yellow throat, is a widespread breeder mostly east of the Mississippi. It has a distinctive and easy to recognize song that consists of a buzz, rising in pitch, with a “ziiiiip” at the end.
Northern Parula
Bluff Point State Park, Groton, CT
September 16, 2012 ©John Schwarz
Northern Parula (note extended tongue)
Bluff Point State Park, Groton, CT
September 16, 2012 ©John Schwarz
Northern Parula
Bluff Point State Park, Groton, CT
September 16, 2012 ©John Schwarz
Northern Parula
Green Cay Wetlands, Boynton Beach, FL
April 21, 2009 ©John Schwarz
Northern Parula
Green Cay Wetlands, Boynton Beach, FL
April 21, 2009 ©John Schwarz
Northern Parula
Fort DeSoto Park, St. Petersburg Beach, FL
April 29, 2006 ©John Schwarz
Northern Parula
Dry Tortugas NP, FL
April 21, 2006 ©John Schwarz
Northern Parula
Dry Tortugas NP, FL
April 10, 2008 ©John Schwarz
Northern Parula
Fort DeSoto State Park, St. Petersburg Beach, FL
April 29, 2006 ©John Schwarz
Northern Parula
Dry Tortugas NP, FL
April, 2006 ©John Schwarz
Northern Parula
Bill Baggs State Park, Key Biscayne, FL
March 6, 2013©John Schwarz
Northern Parula
Dry Tortugas NP, FL
April 21, 2006 ©John Schwarz
Northern Parula – first fall female
Bluff Point, Groton, CT
October 4, 2009 ©John Schwarz
Northern Parula
Fort DeSoto Park, St. Petersburg Beach, FL
April 29, 2006 ©John Schwarz